Despite the strides made in LGBTQ rights, religious beliefs and institutions often act as formidable barriers to true equality. Here are 21 ways religion continues to impede LGBTQ progress in America.
1. Opposition to Same-Sex Marriage

Religious zealots continue to rally against same-sex marriage, using their influence to keep discriminatory laws alive.
2. Weaponizing Religious Freedom

So-called “religious freedom” laws are often nothing more than a smokescreen for blatant LGBTQ discrimination.
3. Promoting Conversion Therapy

Certain religious factions still push conversion therapy, a pseudo-scientific practice that’s more torture than treatment.
4. Employment Bigotry

Hiding behind religion, some employers refuse to hire LGBTQ individuals, perpetuating workplace discrimination.
5. Adoption Gatekeeping

Religious adoption agencies play gatekeeper, denying loving homes to children simply because prospective parents are LGBTQ.
6. Healthcare Denials

Using faith as a shield, some healthcare providers refuse essential services to LGBTQ patients, risking lives in the process.
7. School Discrimination

Religious schools implement archaic policies, ostracizing LGBTQ students and staff under the guise of moral purity.
8. Fostering Bullying

LGBTQ youth in religious environments often endure relentless bullying, sanctioned by outdated and harmful dogma.
9. Lobbying Against Equality

Religious organizations spend millions lobbying against LGBTQ rights, manipulating politics to maintain their prejudiced views.
10. Barring From Religious Services

Many religious groups slam the door on LGBTQ individuals, denying them full participation in their faith communities.
11. Mental Health Damage

Religious indoctrination often leads to severe mental health issues for LGBTQ individuals, instilling guilt and self-loathing.
12. Family Excommunication

Religious beliefs lead to heartbreaking family rejections, leaving LGBTQ individuals homeless and traumatized.
13. Spreading Global Hate

American religious groups export their anti-LGBTQ poison worldwide, undermining international progress on LGBTQ rights.
14. Inciting Hate Speech

Pulpits become platforms for hate speech, with religious leaders spewing vitriol against LGBTQ individuals.
15. Transphobia in Disguise

Religious dogma is used to justify transphobic policies, denying basic rights to transgender individuals.
16. Refusing Marriage Rites

Some religious leaders refuse to officiate same-sex marriages, denying LGBTQ couples the spiritual recognition they seek.
17. Preaching Condemnation

Hellfire and brimstone sermons continue to demonize LGBTQ identities, perpetuating centuries-old bigotry.
18. Therapy Deception

Religious counselors often disguise conversion efforts as therapy, harming vulnerable LGBTQ individuals seeking help.
19. Exiling From Communities

Religious communities frequently exile LGBTQ members, stripping them of crucial social and spiritual support.
20. Poisoning Youth Programs

Religious youth programs indoctrinate young people with anti-LGBTQ rhetoric, damaging their development and self-worth.
21. Blocking Inclusive Policies

Religious groups resist inclusive policies in public spaces, stubbornly clinging to discriminatory practices.
Religion, when used as a tool for exclusion and hatred, becomes one of the biggest obstacles to true LGBTQ equality in America.
Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / lazyllama.