Ready to test your social savvy in the Golden State? Californians might seem chill, but they’re quick to smirk at anyone who breaks their unwritten social codes. Want to avoid their disdain? Keep reading.
1. Drinking Non-Organic Coffee

Order a regular coffee at a hipster café and watch the barista’s eyes glaze over. In California, if it’s not organic, fair trade, and ethically sourced, you’re just not with the program.
2. Using Plastic Bags

Get ready for the death stare if you ask for a plastic bag at the grocery store. Californians pride themselves on their eco-friendly habits, and using plastic is practically a cardinal sin.
3. Mispronouncing “Los Angeles”

Saying “Loss An-je-leez” instead of “Loss An-juh-luss” will out you as an outsider immediately. Locals love to smirk at tourists who can’t get it right.
4. Ignoring Recycling Bins

Tossing your recyclable water bottle in the trash will earn you a disapproving look. Californians take their recycling seriously, and failing to do so marks you as uncaring and uninformed.
5. Skipping the Avocado

Refuse avocado on your toast and see how quickly the room goes silent. Avocado is practically a religion here, and saying no is like a personal affront.
6. Complaining About Traffic

Everyone knows California traffic is horrendous, but complaining about it? Amateur move. It’s the weather talk of California but with more eye-rolls from seasoned locals.
7. Driving an Older Car

Pull up in anything less than a Tesla or a Prius, and you might as well be driving a horse-drawn carriage. Californians love their sleek, eco-friendly rides, and your old gas-guzzler is a relic of the past.
8. Smoking in Public

Lighting up a cigarette in public will get you smirked at and probably scolded. The state’s stringent anti-smoking laws mean it’s pretty much taboo.
9. Not Knowing Your Kombucha

Ask what kombucha is, and you’ll be met with smug smirks. In California, this fermented tea drink is a staple, and not knowing it brands you as an outsider.
10. Wearing Anything But Athleisure

Think jeans and a T-shirt are casual? Not in California. If you’re not in athleisure, you’re overdressed.
11. Ignoring Vegan Options

Dare to question the appeal of vegan food, and you’ll be silently judged. Californians embrace plant-based diets with a passion that’s hard to match.
12. Being Unimpressed by Celebrity Sightings

Act nonchalant about spotting a celebrity, and you’ll miss the knowing smiles. Californians pretend not to care, but they secretly relish the star power.
13. Disregarding Local Wines

Order a non-California wine and see eyebrows raise. With Napa Valley right there, choosing anything else is just plain wrong to locals.
14. Not Having a Strong Opinion on In-N-Out

Either love it or hate it, but you must have a stance. Indifference to In-N-Out’s iconic burgers is practically a crime in California.
15. Using Paper Maps

Pull out a paper map and watch the smirks. Californians rely on their smartphones and GPS, and using old-school navigation just screams “tourist.”
16. Talking About Weather Changes

Commenting on California’s lack of seasons will earn you a patronizing smile. Locals love their mild climate and think any complaints are just jealousy.
17. Disregarding Earthquake Protocol

Laugh off earthquake drills, and you’ll get serious side-eye. Californians know the Big One is coming, and they’re ready—even if you aren’t.
18. Not Bringing Your Own Water Bottle

Fail to bring a reusable water bottle to a hike, and you’ll get smug glances. Staying hydrated sustainably is a must in the Golden State.
19. Forgetting to Tip Well

In California, tipping less than 20% is a huge faux pas. Skimp on the tip, and you’ll feel the judgment from all around you.
20. Complaining About the Cost of Living

Whine about the high prices, and you’ll get knowing smirks. Everyone knows it’s expensive, but complaining about it just makes you look out of touch.
The Judgement Zone

Ready to navigate the social intricacies of California? How many of these faux pas have you unknowingly committed? Are you prepared to face the silent judgment of the Golden State’s residents?
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