Bars across the country are implementing age restrictions to keep out Gen Z. But what’s causing this backlash? Here’s why they’re getting banned, and trust us, it’s not just because of their questionable fashion choices.
1. Lack of Tipping

Gen Z’s tipping habits, or lack thereof, are frustrating bartenders. The average Gen Z-er tips just 10%, compared to the national average of 18%. How do you think bartenders feel working for scraps?
2. TikTok Shenanigans

Constantly filming TikTok dances and viral challenges disrupts the atmosphere. Bars aren’t your personal dance studio. Have you ever tried enjoying a drink with a phone in your face?
3. Budget Boozing

With an average wage of just $30,000 a year, Gen Z often opts for the cheapest drinks, like Amstel Light, which doesn’t help bar revenues. Can you blame bars for wanting patrons who actually spend money?
4. Woke Culture Overload

Gen Z’s penchant for bringing up woke politics during casual bar conversations can be a buzzkill. Not every night out needs to turn into a debate about social justice. Ever tried just having fun?
5. Social Media Addiction

Always glued to their phones, Gen Z seems more interested in capturing the perfect Instagram story than enjoying the moment. Does anyone actually talk to each other anymore?
6. Underage Drinking

Some Gen Z-ers still attempt to sneak in underage, causing legal headaches for bar owners. Fake IDs are not as clever as you think, kids. Remember those keggers? This isn’t one.
7. Noise Complaints

Overly loud and obnoxious behavior leads to frequent noise complaints. This isn’t a frat party; it’s a bar where people come to relax. How loud do you really need to be to have fun?
8. Entitled Attitudes

A sense of entitlement often rubs staff and older patrons the wrong way. Newsflash: the world doesn’t revolve around you. Do you really think you’re the center of the universe?
9. Low Spending

Gen Z spends an average of $25 per bar visit, much lower than older generations. Bars rely on higher spenders to keep afloat. Are you there to enjoy the bar or just to loiter?
10. Fashion Faux Pas

Flannel shirts and beanies might be trendy, but they don’t fit the vibe of many upscale bars. Not everything is a thrift store find moment. How about dressing for the occasion?
11. Disrespect to Staff

Rude and dismissive behavior towards bar staff has been reported. Treating servers like personal assistants isn’t a good look. Would it hurt to say please and thank you?
12. Vegan Menu Demands

Constantly demanding vegan or highly specific menu options strains kitchen resources. Not every bar can cater to every diet. How about appreciating what’s already on the menu?
13. Crowding the Space

Taking up space with large groups and not ordering much drives away other paying customers. Bars need turnover to stay profitable. Ever heard of giving others a seat?
14. Dating Drama

Public breakups and makeups add unnecessary drama to the bar scene. Save the soap opera for home. Do you really need an audience for your personal life?
15. Fake Reviews

Leaving fake negative reviews when denied service or for trivial reasons hurts businesses. Revenge reviews aren’t cool. How would you feel if your work was unfairly criticized?
16. Zero Cash Policy

Gen Z’s reliance on cashless payments can be inconvenient for some small bars. Not everywhere takes Venmo, Becky. Have you considered carrying a little cash?
17. Sneaking in Alcohol

Bringing in outside alcohol to avoid paying bar prices is a major no-no. This isn’t a BYOB event. Why disrespect the place that provides the venue?
18. Clashing Music Tastes

Demanding control of the music and complaining about the playlist disrupts the bar’s atmosphere. Not everyone likes your Spotify playlist. Ever thought about just enjoying the music that’s playing?
19. Short Attention Spans

Constantly switching seats or activities creates a chaotic environment. Pick a spot and stay put for a while. Can’t sit still for more than a few minutes?
20. Fashionably Late

Showing up late and expecting top-notch service when the bar is closing is inconsiderate. Respect the bar’s hours. How about being on time for once?
Reflecting on Bar Etiquette

So, what’s the real issue? Are bars too strict or is Gen Z just too much to handle? With their distinct behaviors and habits, it’s no wonder bars are enforcing age restrictions. The desire for a more mature, relaxed atmosphere is real, and perhaps it’s time for Gen Z to learn the ropes.
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Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / Chris Owens.
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