Despite the principle of separation of church and state, Christianity continues to wield significant influence over American life and politics. Here are 22 reasons why religion, still rules the USA.
1. Political Influence

Christianity heavily influences American politics, with many politicians openly declaring their faith and shaping policy based on Christian beliefs. For example, former President Donald Trump garnered substantial support from evangelical Christians.
2. Supreme Court Decisions

The Supreme Court often makes rulings that reflect Christian values. The 2022 decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, ending federal protection for abortion rights, was heavily influenced by conservative Christian ideology.
3. School Curriculum

Many states mandate or allow the teaching of Christian creationism alongside evolution in public schools. States like Louisiana and Tennessee have laws that enable this practice, blurring the line between church and state in education.
4. Public Prayer

Christian prayers are a regular feature at government meetings and public events. The Supreme Court upheld the practice in the 2014 Town of Greece v. Galloway decision, reinforcing Christianity’s public presence.
5. Religious Exemptions

Christian organizations frequently receive exemptions from laws that conflict with their beliefs. The Hobby Lobby case (2014) allowed a Christian-owned business to refuse contraceptive coverage based on religious beliefs.
6. National Holidays

Christian holidays like Christmas and Easter are federally recognized, with significant public and private sector observance. This reflects Christianity’s deep integration into American cultural and governmental practices.
7. Faith-Based Initiatives

Government funding for faith-based initiatives primarily benefits Christian organizations. These programs, established under President George W. Bush and expanded under subsequent administrations, direct federal funds to religious groups.
8. Abortion Legislation

Many states have passed restrictive abortion laws influenced by Christian beliefs. States like Texas and Alabama have implemented near-total bans, reflecting the strong influence of Christian pro-life advocacy.
9. LGBTQ+ Rights

Christian groups continue to oppose LGBTQ+ rights, influencing legislation and public policy. The ongoing battles over transgender rights and same-sex marriage reflect this influence, as seen in states passing anti-LGBTQ+ laws.
10. Public Displays of Faith

Christian symbols and messages are prominently displayed in public spaces, such as the Ten Commandments monuments on government property. The Supreme Court’s decision in Van Orden v. Perry (2005) upheld such displays.
11. Church Tax Exemptions

Religious organizations, predominantly Christian churches, benefit from tax-exempt status. This financial privilege bolsters their influence and presence in communities nationwide.
12. Anti-Sex Education

Christian groups have successfully campaigned for abstinence-only sex education in schools. Programs in states like Texas and Mississippi reflect these Christian values, often to the detriment of comprehensive sexual education.
13. Politicized Pulpits

Many Christian pastors use their pulpits to advocate for specific political candidates and policies. The influence of figures like Jerry Falwell Jr. and Franklin Graham highlights the church’s role in political mobilization.
14. Religious Lobbying

Christian organizations, such as the Family Research Council and Focus on the Family, wield significant lobbying power in Washington D.C., shaping legislation and national policy to reflect their religious views.
15. Pledge of Allegiance

The Pledge of Allegiance includes the phrase “under God,” reflecting Christian influence. Efforts to remove this phrase have been met with strong resistance, indicating its entrenched status.
16. Presidential Oaths

Presidents often swear their oath of office on a Bible, symbolizing Christian influence at the highest levels of government. This tradition underscores the ongoing connection between Christianity and American leadership.
17. Influence in Media

Christian values are often promoted in mainstream media through networks like Fox News and Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN). These platforms reinforce religious perspectives on national issues.
18. Anti-Science Stances

Christian beliefs often shape public policy and opinion on scientific issues, such as climate change and stem cell research. Political leaders influenced by Christian doctrines have hindered scientific progress and policy.
19. Religious Monuments

Christian monuments and symbols are prevalent in public spaces and national landmarks, such as crosses and nativity scenes. These displays are often protected by legal rulings, reflecting their accepted status.
20. Influence on Healthcare

Christian-owned healthcare organizations can deny services like contraception and abortion based on religious beliefs. This influence extends to hospitals and insurance providers, affecting access to comprehensive healthcare.
21. Charity and Social Services

Christian charities play a significant role in providing social services, often receiving government funding. Organizations like Catholic Charities wield considerable influence in shaping public assistance programs.
22. Political Endorsements

Christian leaders frequently endorse political candidates, swaying elections and policy decisions. The endorsement of Donald Trump by evangelical leaders significantly influenced the 2016 and 2020 elections.
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