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Arizona Congressman Blames ‘Woke’ for Decline in White Army Recruits

Arizona congressman blames fall in white recruits to ‘Marxist’ influences.

He Cracked the Case – or So He Thinks

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Paul Gosar, the far-right congressman from Arizona, thinks he has cracked the case on why there is a lack of white people enlisting in the army recently. 

Gosar’s Claims

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“The number of white recruits has plummeted,” Gosar wrote in an arguably unhinged fundraising email sent out last week, with the startling subject line, “dismantling woke marxist ideologies.” “[It’s] a casualty of this cultural skirmish that has left our Army beleaguered and besieged by ‘woke’ ideologies.”

“Crisis of Spirit”

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He continued, “This is not merely a crisis of numbers, It is a crisis of spirit.” The fundraising email was in response to a recent investigation completed by Military.com that showed the number of white army military recruits has been declining for the last 5 years. 

Forcing Wokeness

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Conservative commentators were quick to respond to the survey’s findings, citing them as “proof” that the military has become overrun by “Marxists” who force “wokeness” across the ranks, effectively excluding prospective white recruits. 

Increased Criticism 

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Over the past few years, so-called “wokeness” in the military has been increasingly criticized by right-wing commentators, lawmakers, and keyboard warriors alike. 

Where It All Started

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Part of this attack on “wokeness” stems from the Pentagon adopting LGTBQ-inclusive policies over the past 10 years. In 2011, the controversial “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy was rescinded, allowing gay and lesbian service members to serve openly. 

Increasing Protections

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The ban on transgender people serving openly was also lifted in 2021, increasing the LGBTQ+ protections for members of the military. In response, far-right activists and groups started producing new memes with American soldiers in rainbow flags, insinuating they are softer and less capable than other armed forces (specifically Russia). 

Investigating Extremism 

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After dozens of January 6th rioters were unmasked as current or former service members, the military committed to investigating extremism in their ranks. Extremism is not new to the U.S. service and has been highlighted for years by researchers and activists. 

New Definition and Tools to Prevent Radicalization

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After the riots, the Pentagon created a new definition of extremist activity and armed commanders with new tools to help them identify if service members were becoming radicalized while serving. 

Inciting Rage

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The far-right disagrees with any measure used to address extremism, and these new policies have incited even more rage. Many of them believe it is further evidence that the Biden administration is on a mission to force the country into Marxism and punish ideological opponents who refuse to follow the rules. 

“Ideological Indoctrination”

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In 2021, the Heritage Foundation, a highly controversial conservative think-tank, claimed that the government was attempting “ideological indoctrination” across several branches of government to “introduce wrong-headed and highly inflammatory Marxist ideologies into military ranks.”

A “Threat” to National Security

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They wrote, “The woke left views the military as a crucial ideological battlefield,” adding that “imposing anti-American racial ideologies directly threatens our national security.”

It’s Happening

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Meanwhile, white nationalist and neo-nazis celebrated military.com’s findings, like VDARE saying “Reject the anti-white American Empire,” continuing, “Encourage your sons to stay far, far away from service to a nation that hates you… And guess what: It’s happening.”

Who Could Have Guessed?

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Far-right conspiracy theorist Paul Joseph Watson wrote on Telegram, “Young white men don’t want to fight for a regime that despises them,” continuing, “Who could have possibly anticipated this?”. 

Looking at the Numbers

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The investigation by Military.com showed a decline in white recruitment since 2018, compared to the steady recruitment rates of Latino and Black enlistees. In 2022, the U.S. forces saw the sharpest dip in white recruitment. 

One Factor of Many 

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While far-right complaints about “wokeness” may be one contributing factor, Military.com found many other reasons why fewer people are enlisting. The Military.com reporters mention that the labor market was at nearly full employment, which has historically shown a decrease in recruitment during a booming civilian market. 

An Unexpected Reason

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One shocking statistic mentioned is that young white Americans account for 75% of the tens of thousands of fatal overdoses every year. These statistics do not stop people like Gosla, who continue to claim conservatives are waging a pivotal battle for the soul of our nation.”

A Creeping Shadow

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“Like a creeping shadow, these [marxist] doctrines have sapped our Army’s vitality, leading to dwindling ranks and dispirited hearts,” He wrote. “The call of duty is clear – our armed forces must remain a bastion of merit, unyielding in its pursuit of combat readiness and effectiveness.”

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Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / Bumble Dee. 

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