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Trump and Biden Have Their Work Cut Out to Win Over LGBTQ Voters in 2024 Election

Every American is anxious about 2024. After a tumultuous last eight years, the time has come again to vote for the next President of the United States. Many who were vying to be one of the two parties’ nominees have fallen by the wayside.

Round 2 for Who?

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The election, set to happen in November of this year, is going to be a rematch between the 2020 candidates: Joe Biden and Donald Trump. Both men have already served a term in the oval office, and many are biting their nails to see who will get to continue their legacy.

A Predictable Pattern

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As efforts to garner promises for votes ramp up, each party representative appeals to the demographics they know best. It is quite predictable to assume who goes where: environmentalists with the Democrats, Evangelicals with the Republicans.

A Mixed Bag Scenario

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However, one group can be a tad trickier to assess. The queer community, while often seen as one set group, contains a multitude of different thoughts and attitudes. This leads to a political arc that spans the gender and sexual spectrum.

Data Shows Something New

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While several polls and research projects have found that those who identify as queer do often vote blue, there is reason for Democrats to be concerned. Many queer people believe that progressives are not doing their part to support and advance LGBTQ+ rights.

Data for Progress

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Surveyors of LGBTQ+ individuals at voting age also found an notable drop in enthusiasm among certain age groups. In attempts to identify key attitudes towards voting, extensive reports like one outlined from Data for Progress collaborated as much information as possible.

New Numbers to Crunch

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The Data for Progress poll analyzed a survey from over 800 adults who self-identified as LGBTQ+. The survey was carried out of the course of a week from March 8th to March 14th, 2024. However, data from the poll was only made available in late April.

Standard or Stereotype?

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Common opinion would place queer approval much higher than it actually turned out to be. In truth, only 57% of those questioned had a positive view of the Democratic Party. Much of this initial surprise may result from stereotyping, grouping all queer people into the same political camp.

Party Over Person

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Favorable outlooks dropped when asked specifically about current president and Democratic nominee, Joe Biden. 46% noted a negative viewpoint on Biden, suggesting a stronger alignment to the Democratic ideals than specific party members.

Not Rowdy for Republicans

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Conversely, statistics showed an overwhelming negative viewpoint on both Donald Trump and the Republican party. Interestingly, however, 77% of participants disliked Trump, a noteworthy 5% lead when compared to the 72% dislike for the Republican party as a whole.

Top Tier Issues

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Participants were also asked to rank their top political issues that would be swaying their decisions in the voting booths come November. Out of the list of topics, varying from social to economic, most individuals selected social issues as a higher priority.

Money Makes the World Go Round

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However, the number one pressing matter, quoted by 27% of polltakers, had nothing to do with queer politics. The matter that was found to be the most important were those connecting to economy, jobs, and inflation.

A Close Second

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LGBTQ+ rights were ranked as the second most issue when voting for a candidate at 15%. The reverse was found amongst the trans interviewees, who had 50% declaring it their number one factor to sway their vote. Occupational policy came in with 12% giving it the top spot.

Why the Divide?

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This flip may clue policymakers in on a rift within the queer community. Many trans individuals are much more likely to face violence, as well as all forms of discrimination. Facing this daily may be one reason that the trans population desires candidate that are vocal trans allies.  

Grey Hairs are Crowns of Wisdom

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Likewise, enthusiasm for voting and political engagement acted in a unique pattern. Researchers found that the older the demographic, the more enthusiastic they were about the upcoming election in November.

Been Here Before

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Zoran Zeremski

It is most likely that this positive trend stems from lived experience and understanding of political systems. Additionally, much of the older demographics may have been involved with queer rights like HIV healthcare and gay marriage.

Eyes on Everything

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Xavier Lorenzo

Overall, the survey demonstrates that queer people are politically active, and are paying attention to what candidates are saying. And while the LGBTQ+ community might seem focused on one key facet, that facet bleeds into every aspect of their lives.

The post The Queer Vote: Trump and Biden Have Their Work Cut Out to Win Over LGBTQ Voters in 2024 Election first appeared on Pulse of Pride.

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / lazyllama.

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