Civility: The act of honoring another and treating them with respect. This virtue seems to have been lost, rumored as an ancient relic from less conflicting eras. It is a value many speak about, but very few actually practice.
Unprofessional Conduct

Learning to be civil requires one to be calm and collected. After all, it’s considered rude to fly off the handle just because one might disagree with others political leanings. We expect this from every citizen, without exception.
Who We Vote For

However, heightened tensions have seemingly all but honored civil discussion. The pressure to violently swing our beliefs has been mounted so high, we even see it occurring amongst our elected officials.
The Perfect Example

Lauren Boebert serves as an excellent testament to the loss of civility. The far-right representative from Colorado has quite a storied past when it comes to controversial statements. Last Wednesday, however, it all came crashing down.
No Bridges Built

On May 22nd of this year, Boebert took credit for acquiring federal aid to assist in the construction of a new bridge for her district. This came after she had publicly voted against a bill that would have provided key funding for infrastructure projects.
The Room Where It Happened

Boebert posted online, saying, “Great meeting with Glenwood Springs City Councilor and former Mayor Jonathan Godes. We have secured over $51.4 million for the South Bridge.”
Claiming Receipts

Boebert continued to flourish with the details of the meeting that had taken place, writing, “I was thrilled to hear about nearly $30 million in cost savings in addition and that my support has helped make this project a reality.”
Reality Check

The post was fact-checked, noting Boebert’s error. A community note read “The money came from a Biden-Harris grant that is part of the ‘Rural Surface Transportation Grant Program,’ which itself is a part of the ‘Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act’ which Boebert voted against.”
Critiques From High Above

Her hypocrisy spread rather quickly, and she received online criticism from various places, both high and low. Most shockingly, though, was the backlash Boebert received from Pete Buttigieg, the U.S. Secretary of Transportation.
The Truth Comes to Light

“Congresswoman, in what way do you believe that your support helped this project? We chose it because it’s a good project and funded it using President Biden’s infrastructure package, which you voted against.” Buttigieg replied.
White House Weighs In

Buttigieg’s comment was backed by most Democratic officials. This even included support from the White House, releasing a comment that said, “One thing about Congressional Republicans… they’re going to take credit for investments they voted against.”
Transportation Nation

The Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal in question proposed an amount of $1.2 trillion in efforts to maintain and create more efficient public works. Boebert had previously voted against the bill back in November of 2021.
Public and Personal

Rather than keeping calm, Boebert seized her opportunity to make homophobic remarks about Buttigieg and his role as a father. She responded with, “Mayor Pete, maybe you were out chest-feeding and missed my letter, but I personally wrote you about this in June 2022,”.
Political Backlash

Boebert followed up her tirade with the following: “Only 13 RINOs [Republicans in name only] in the House voted for your Green New Deal non-infrastructure bill you are touting that wastes hundreds of millions on climate change instead of roads and bridges.”
Delayed Reaction

The letter mentioned in the interaction was indeed sent to the Secretary of Transportation but was dated after Boebert’s vote. This is backed by Boebert’s comment about sending the letter 6 months afterwards.
Dishing Out Dollars

Federal intervention to assist the state project occurred in December 2023. The Department of Transportation, which Buttigieg presides over, informed that they would provide $645.3 million to enhance ongoing developing infrastructure.
Public Spectacle

Boebert’s insensitive remark quickly garnered attention, with online commenter saying, “Nothing says MAGA politician quite like resorting to bigotry when you are called out for your lies. Then, on top of that, you make a point of admitting you didn’t vote for the funding that you are trying to take credit for…”
Embarrassing Online Presence

How other elected officials will respond to Boebert’s personal attack is yet to be determined or if there will be consequences for her actions. Currently, the only thing that is certain is that those running our country have little better to do than name-calling each other online.
The post Hypocrisy and Hate: Boebert’s Homophobic Rant Attracts the Wrong Type of Attention first appeared on Pulse of Pride.
Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / lev radin.