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Making Queer History With Pennsylvanian Democratic Candidate’s Campaign

It’s no secret that representation matters. Whether it be in media, politics, or everyday life, people desire to see themselves in the world around them. This especially rings true for those from oppressed communities not often welcome in the public eye.

Knowing You Belong

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Seeing oneself being represented fosters a sense of belonging. It motivates others. Seeing that one person can succeed despite the odds makes others feel that they can overcome too. For politics, it comes with an additional edge.

Bridging the Gap

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When someone arises to power representing an underserved group, it leads to greater efforts in bridging social inequalities. It pushes towards a reality of no longer being disenfranchised. No one knows this truth better than Malcolm Kenyatta from Philadelphia.

A New Nominee

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Kenyatta has made waves in the local political scene by winning the Democratic primary race for Pennsylvania auditor general. Already serving as a state representative, Kenyatta was running against Mark Pinsley.

One Step Closer

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This marks Kenyatta as the Democratic nomination for the general election, set to take place in November of this year. His predicted opponent is said to be Republican Timothy DeFoor. Kenyatta expressed excitement in upcoming debates over the state’s financial wellbeing.

Coming in First

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If Kenyatta manages to win the vote in November, he will become the first openly queer, black, elected auditor general in Pennsylvania’s history. Coupled with his service to economic justice in the working classes, Kenyatta is pleading a tailored case for constituents to vote for him.

Nothing New

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Kenyatta is no stranger to the Pennsylvania history books, as he was the first queer BIPOC individual to be appointed to the General Assembly. However, if he is victorious in November, he will be required to resign from his current position in order to better handle new responsibilities.

Better Tomorrows

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The securing of the Democratic backing may not seem monumental to the casual viewer. But there are those who look at Kenyatta’s success with a sense of optimism. Some interpret it as a sign of shifting social attitudes, promising a better future for those from marginalized communities.

The People’s Choice

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With his demographical background and outspoken advocacy for the everyday man, Kenyatta seems to bolster hopes for the people of Pennsylvania.

Next in Line

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In his victory speech to the public at Divine Lorraine Hotel, Kenyatta stated “I am confident that when voters look at our record, they will choose me to be their next auditor general,” Kenyatta went on to affirm his commitment to fight for the working class.

Thanks for Nothing

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His speech also took a shocking twist, with Kenyatta saying “I want to thank all the people who didn’t support my campaign. Sometimes, we forget what we did all this for. It was to make life better for working people who’ve given up on the political process.”

Love and Law

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The new Democratic nominee celebrated surrounded by his supporters. Amongst the supporters was Kenyatta’s husband, Matthew Jordan-Miller Kenyatta. The spouses shared the moment together, warming the hearts of many present in the room.

The Road Less Traveled

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Typically, an auditor general follows a predictable pathway to the position. However, Kenyatta’s unorthodox background makes him a standout. Much of his experience lies in House committees that control state agencies.

Independent to a Fault

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Some of the changes Kenyatta is hoping to employ is creating a bureau to handle cases of mislabeling employees as independent contractors. This would ease tax filings and help ensure local labor laws were effectively enforced.

Learning to Change

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Other chief priorities for the potential auditor general are revitalizing the practice of school bureau audits. Previously discontinued, the reignition would help understand budget tracking for schools, highlighting the best use of public funds while maximizing learner outcomes.

Busy Bureaucrat

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Kenyatta is showing to have quite the full calendar for the remainder of the year. On top of preparing for the auditory election in the fall, he is also still working to maintain his House seat that will be up for grabs.

Charting Complex Courses

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While it is not possible to hold both offices due to high level of responsibilities and possible conflicting interests, the move itself is strategic. Keen political observers might notice that winning both seats could reward Democrats with the chance to fill in the vacant seat in the House.

A Jury of Your Queers

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Dorde Krstic

Regardless of how the general election shakes out, the accomplishments from last weeks primary race are not to be underplayed. It demonstrates that citizens are open to people from all walks of life. Not just as neighbors or colleagues, but also as chosen leaders.

The post Making Queer History With Pennsylvanian Democratic Candidate’s Campaign first appeared on Pulse of Pride.

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / rarrarorro.

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