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1 in 3 Young Women Identify as LGBTQ+ Reveals Study

New results from a Gallup poll in 2023 reveal that America has its highest percentage of people identifying as LGBTQ+, with the number of people joining the community increasing substantially with each younger generation.

7.6% of U.S. Adults

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In a new Gallup poll that asked respondents about their sexuality, the results revealed that as of 2023, 7.6% of U.S. adults identify as LGBTQ+ across the country.

A 12 Year Trend

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This relatively high figure is part of a larger trend in America that has seen the number of people identifying as LGBTQ+ steadily increasing over the last twelve years.

Consistently Rising

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The last time the number of people identifying as LGBTQ+ decreased was back in 2012, when only 3.5% of the adult U.S. population identified as LGBTQ+, and that number has been consistently rising ever since.

More Queer Than Ever Before

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Xavier Lorenzo

Unsurprisingly, the latest Gallup polls revealed that today the united states has more openly queer adults than ever before.

More Gay or More Open

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However, it is hard to say if America actually has more queer people than ever before or just more openly queer since, for the majority of American history, hiding one’s queerness was a matter of personal safety.

A Safer Country for the  LGBTQ+

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Unfortunately, there is no real way to know this question’s answer. Still, given the major push for LGBTQ+ rights across the country over the last thirty years, it is likely that more people feel safe accepting their true sexuality.

Gen Z Leading the Way

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The study also reveals, however, that the youngest group surveyed, Generation Z, exhibits the highest rates of LGBTQ+ identification among all age groups, with 22.3% of Gen Z individuals identifying as part of the LGBTQ community.

Comparing Results

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When compared to the other groups surveyed, 22.3% of Gen Z individuals identified as LGBTQ+, significantly higher than the 9.8% of Millennials, 4.5% of Generation X, 2.3% of Baby Boomers, and 1.1% of the Silent Generation.

A Future of Growth

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With the number of people identifying as LGBTQ+ steadily increasing over the last twelve years and the youngest group surveyed showing the highest rates, it would seem that this trend will only continue to grow for quite some time.

10- Queer Women Rising

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The survey also showed that women are the most likely to identify as part of the LGBTQ+ community, with this trend being the most pronounced in Generation Z.

A Quarter of Gen Z Women

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The survey revealed that 28.5% of women in Generation Z identify as LGBTQ+, with only 10.6% of men joining the community behind them.

Queer Men Facing Persecution

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One can only make their best guess as to why there are three times as many Gen Z women identifying as LGBTQ+, but historically American queer men have received far more persecution, and this most likely plays a factor.

Reversed Results

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Xavier Lorenzo

Strangely enough, when comparing LGBTQ+ women and men in older American generations, the difference between them was far less pronounced and, in some cases, reversed entirely.

Looking Back on the Role of Culture

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If we look back at ancient Greece, where gay and bisexual men were far more common and socially accepted than queer women, it was very likely that the numbers of queer men and women would also be reversed thanks to mainstream culture.

The Largest LGBTQ+ Group

Image Credit: Shutterstock / DavideAngelini

The poll also revealed that bisexual people make up the highest percentage of people who identify as part of the LGBTQ+ community across all generations, with 57.3% of LGBTQ respondents and 4.4% of all adults surveyed.

Gen Z Bisexuals

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Specifically, within Gen Z, it was shown that 15.3% of the entire group surveyed identify as bisexual.

Gen Z Groups

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The other significant LGBTQ+ groups represented within Gen Z include lesbians at 3%, gays at 2.6%, and transgenders individuals, surprisingly making up a higher population than gays at 2.8% 

The Future Expectations

Image Credit: Shutterstock / DavideAngelini

With the trend shown by this survey, it would seem that the LGBTQ+ community will continue to grow and take on a larger portion of the U.S. population as time passes and younger generations become increasingly supportive of it.

10% of the Population

Image Credit: Shutterstock / fizkes

If the current projections are correct, the United States can expect 10% of the population to identify as part of the LGBTQ+ community within the next 10-30 years.

The post 1 in 3 Young Women Identify as LGBTQ+ Reveals Study first appeared on Pulse of Pride.

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / bbernard.

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