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21 Signs of Being Transgender

Hey friends, families, and loved ones! Whether you’re a friend, a parent, or someone’s significant other, understanding the signs that someone might be transgender can be an important step in supporting their journey. It’s all about creating a loving, accepting space where they can truly be themselves. So let’s walk through some signs that might indicate someone is exploring their gender identity.

1. They Express Discomfort With Their Assigned Gender

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If someone consistently expresses discomfort or dissatisfaction with the gender they were assigned at birth, this could be a sign. They might say it doesn’t feel ‘right’ or that they feel disconnected from that identity.

2. They Have a Preference for Clothes of a Different Gender

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Watch for a preference for clothing traditionally worn by a different gender. This might be an expression of their gender identity, especially if it seems to give them comfort and confidence.

3. They Request to Be Called by a Different Name

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Choosing a new name that better aligns with their gender identity is a common step for many transgender people. If they ask you to call them by a different name, it’s a significant indicator of their identity exploration.

4. They Use Different Pronouns When Referring to Themselves

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Listen if they start using different pronouns or ask others to do so. This change is a direct expression of their gender identity.

5. They Show Interest in Medical Transition

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Interest in medical aspects of transition, such as hormone therapy or surgeries, is a clear sign someone might be considering transitioning to affirm their gender identity.

6. They Experience Gender Dysphoria

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If they talk about experiencing distress or discomfort due to a mismatch between their assigned gender and their identity, this is known as gender dysphoria, a common experience among transgender individuals.

7. They Frequently Change Their Appearance

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Notice if they experiment with their appearance to align more closely with their gender identity, like changing hairstyle, makeup, or body language.

8. They Identify With Trans Characters or Stories

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A strong identification with transgender characters in media or real-life stories can be a reflection of their own feelings and experiences.

9. They Withdraw From Social Situations

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Sometimes, the stress of not being able to express their true gender identity can lead someone to withdraw socially or seem less outgoing than usual.

10. They Have a History of Gender Exploration

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This could include behaviors from childhood or adolescence, like preference for toys and activities typically associated with the opposite sex.

11. They Use Online Profiles Reflecting a Different Gender

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Creating profiles on social media or video games that reflect a different gender can be a way to explore their identity in a safe and controlled environment.

12. They Express Relief at Physical Changes

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If undergoing physical changes (whether through puberty blockers, hormone therapy, or natural changes) brings them relief or joy, it’s likely they feel more aligned with their gender identity.

13. They Prefer Gender-Neutral Language

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Opting for gender-neutral terms when referring to themselves or others can be a sign of exploring outside the traditional gender binary.

14. They Ask Questions About Your Experience of Gender

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Curiosity about how others experience their gender can be a way of understanding and forming their own gender identity.

15. They Are Uncomfortable With Their Body

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Expressing discomfort with their body, especially around secondary sex characteristics, is common among those who are transgender.

16. They Seek Out Trans Communities and Friends

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Finding community and support among other transgender individuals can provide safety and validation.

17. They React Positively to Being Mistaken for the Other Gender

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Dean Drobot

If being misgendered in line with their gender identity makes them happy or relieved, it’s a strong indication of their gender feelings.

18. They Have Tried Binding, Packing, or Tucking

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Using methods to alter their body shape to reflect their gender identity, such as binding their chest, packing, or tucking, indicates a desire to present as another gender.

19. They Are Knowledgeable About Trans Issues

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An in-depth knowledge about transgender topics and issues can indicate that they have spent a lot of time researching and finding resonance with those experiences.

20. They Say They Feel Different From Their Assigned Gender

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Sometimes, it might be as straightforward as expressing that they feel different from their assigned gender or don’t fit into the expected gender roles.

21. They Seek Support for Gender-Related Stress

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Seeking therapy or other forms of support specifically for gender-related reasons can be a sign of grappling with gender identity issues.

Creating a Supportive Space

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Recognizing these signs can help you be a supportive presence in their life. It’s all about listening, loving, and letting them lead the way in their journey. Remember, the path of exploring gender is deeply personal and unique to each individual. Let’s keep our hearts and minds open, and our support unconditional.

The post 21 Signs of Being Transgender first appeared on Pulse of Pride.

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Just Life.

For transparency, this content was partly developed with AI assistance and carefully curated by an experienced editor to be informative and ensure accuracy.

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