Does your mom get flustered over certain words that are totally normal to you? You’re not imagining it. Here are 15 terms that still make her squirm despite them being part of everyday conversations.
1. Lesbian

Despite Ellen DeGeneres and countless others bringing the term into the mainstream, your mom still whispers “lesbian” like it’s a state secret. Come on, Mom, it’s just a sexual orientation, not Voldemort.
2. Transgender

Even with public figures like Caitlyn Jenner, the term “transgender” causes a noticeable pause and a sudden drop in volume. It’s not that hard to say, but for some, it’s still a tongue twister.
3. Non-Binary

The concept of non-binary gender identities might as well be quantum physics to many boomers. They’ll stutter through it, hoping no one asks them to explain what it means.
4. Queer

Despite the LGBTQ+ community reclaiming “queer,” your mom likely still sees it as an insult from her high school days. She’ll mumble it, unsure if she’s being politically correct or offensive.
5. Feminist

Your mom probably associates “feminist” with bra-burning radicals from the ’70s. She’ll lower her voice, as if the mere mention might summon Gloria Steinem to lecture her on gender equality.
6. Polyamory

When discussing modern relationships, “polyamory” causes visible discomfort. The idea of loving more than one person at a time? Blasphemy to the one-man-one-woman marriage advocates.
7. Bisexual

Even though bisexuality is fairly common, your mom might mutter “bisexual” like it’s some exotic, misunderstood affliction. It’s not an alien concept, Mom, just another orientation.
8. Atheist

The word “atheist” makes her look around nervously as if God Himself might strike her down for even considering the existence of non-believers. Church-going habits die hard.
9. Abortion

Even with Roe v. Wade in the rearview mirror, “abortion” remains a hushed topic. She’ll glance around to ensure no one overhears, fearing a heated debate with the neighbors.
10. Sex

“Sex” is still a whisper-only term despite it being a fundamental part of life. She’ll avoid eye contact and quickly change the subject to something safer, like the weather.
11. Gay Marriage

Though legal nationwide, “gay marriage” still triggers an awkward mumble. It’s as if acknowledging it might unravel her traditional view of matrimony.
12. STDs

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) cause a noticeable stammer. Talking about sexual health is just too forward for her comfort zone.
13. Condoms

“Condoms” might be uttered in the lowest possible decibel level. A necessary evil she’d rather pretend doesn’t exist.
14. Pro-choice

“Pro-choice” is mumbled like a dirty word in conservative circles. Her face will likely flush with the moral weight she believes it carries.
15. Homophobia

Ironically, “homophobia” gets mumbled, reflecting the discomfort in addressing one’s own prejudices. It’s easier to avoid acknowledging it entirely.
Reflecting on Boomer Taboo

These whispered words highlight a generational and cultural divide that’s hard to ignore. How do we bridge this gap when even the simplest terms cause so much discomfort? Open conversations could be a good start.
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